You can also call me Pennyroyal
I can repel cabbage butterflies, fleas beetles, ants & therefore aphids. Wohoo! Nearly everybody likes me but I tend to take over a lot of space.
Potential Buddies
- Apple
- Bergamot
- Broccoli Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Brussels sprouts Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Cabbage Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Cauliflower Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Chinese cabbage Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Kale Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Kohlrabi Repels cabbage white butterfly, flea beetle, ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Lettuce
- Pea
- Pear
- Potato Mint repels Colorado beetle Check out this plant
- Radish
- Rose
- Southernwood
- Strawberry
- Swede
- Swiss chard
- Thyme
- Tomato Mint repels ants & therefore aphids Check out this plant
- Turnip
- Walnut Beware, they still might not be best of friends, but it's worth a try if you want to find a friend for a lonely walnut. Check out this plant